
The Joy of Being a Muslimah!

For you as a muslim woman,this is a great honour & source of pride.Other women were born in the land of kufar(disbelief),christians,Jews,Communists or something other than the religion of Islam,but ALLAH chose you to be muslim woman,& HE made you one of d followers of Muhammad(sww)following in d footsteps of 'Aisha,Khadijah & Fatimah(RAA). 

CONGRATULATIONS,for you offer d 5 daily prayers,you fast during ramadan,you go on pilgrimage,for you are pleased with ALLAH as your Lord,
Al islam as your religion & Muhammad (sww)as your prophet. Everything that happens to you for d sake of ALLAH is an expiation for you,if ALLAH ,the exalted, wills.

Hear d glad tiding narrated from d Hadith;"If a woman obeys her Lord,offers her five daily prayers & preserve her honour,she will enter the  paradise of her Lord"so by doing these great deeds you will meet a merciful Lord who will give you happiness in this world & d Hereafter. Follow His law no matter where that leads you to & adhere to d Book of Allah (the Quran)& sunnah of His messenger Muhammed (sww). 

To all the muslim women"Your gold is your religion, adornment is your moral attitude,and your wealth is your good manner. May Almighty Allah s.w.t continue to make it easy for us (Ameen) 

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