
Facts About The Black Cumin Seed.

The tangible miracle of black cumin

Black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa) have been used therapeutically for over 3,300 years, since their first reported discovery in Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamun’s tomb. Part of the buttercup family, the seeds are dark, thin, and crescent-shaped when whole.The seeds have been used for many centuries in the Middle East, the Mediterranean and India. Today, black cumin seeds are used as a seasoning spice in different cuisines across the world due to their nutty flavor. Besides their culinary uses, black cumin seeds also have a wealth of important health benefits and are one of the most cherished medicinal seeds in history.

The seeds of the black cumin plant contain over 100 chemical compounds, including some yet to be identified. In addition to what is believed to be the primary active ingredient, crystalline nigellone, black cumin seeds contain: thymoquinone, beta sitosterol, myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folic acid, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorous.
Black cumin seed is regarded throughout the entire Middle East as one of the most powerful anti-carcinogenic herbs ever in existence…

1 Cleopatra used it as a beauty treatment.

2 Queen Nefertiti used black seed oil to bring luster to her hair and nails.

3 Hippocrates used it to cure digestive and metabolic disorders.

4 The Prophet Muhammad called it “a remedy for every illness except death.”

5 Archaeologists even confirmed King Tut kept a bottle of black cumin seed oil in his tomb –for use in the after

Black cumin is also called Habbatul barakah, meaning “seed of blessing.” One of black cumin's most popular and effective uses is the treatment of diseases related to the respiratory system: including asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism and cold symptoms. The seeds help increase body tone, stimulate menstrual period, and increase the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers.
Black cumin seed oil helps calm the nervous system, quells colic pain, stimulates urine production, helps treat pertussis, improves digestion and helps prevent and lower high blood pressure.
The seeds are very effective in curing abscesses and tumors of the eye, abdomen and liver, probably due in great part to the anti-tumor compound beta-sitosterol found in the seeds.

Black cumin also:

*stimulates energy and helps in recovery from fatigue and low spirits.

*is an effective cure for skin conditions such as allergies, eczema, acne, psoriasis and boils.

*is anti-parasitic.

*treats flatulence, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, constipation and dysentery.

Black cumin also assists in the decrease of blood cholesterol – preventing formation of dangerous atherosclerotic plaque, as well as preventing development of inflammatory elements in the overall cardiovascular system. Additionally, black cumin has been used for tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension, hypertension, as well as other various heart diseases.

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