
For the love of scarves: Meet sister Taofeeqat Ochuwa c.e.o hijabs Nigeria

For the love of scarves: Meet sister Taofeeqat Ochuwa
 (c.e.o "Hijabs Nigeria) 

Sister  Taofeeqat Ochuwa Ali, an indigene of Edo state who Studied accounting is the beautiful brain behind "Hijabs Nigeria" a growing Hijab company in Nigeria. In an exclusive Interview with the Muslimahpreneur,she shared her beautiful story on how the journey began, Enjoy! 
Hajia Ochuwa c.e.o hijabs Nigeria

Do you design these hijabs yourself?
Hajia Ochuwa: Yeah, most of them are my designs and
          I also ship in some of them.

What motivated you into designing and selling of hijabs?
Hajia Ochuwa: Yes!  I always liked scarfs with prints..I found that hard to get except with the pashmina which I didn't like. And I found out that making them couldn't be so hard so why not. I made some for myself and people liked them. And I said ok...business..here we go. So I started making in bulk..I got nice compliments and it just took off from there.

For how long have you been into the business
 and how has it been ?
Hajia Ochuwa:I started in April 2014. And it has been great so far.
I have a large customer base even though it can be better..
So yea. Alhamdulillah

Are your customers edo based only or from all over Nigeria? 
Hajia Ochuwa: Not just Edo. Because its an online business platform for now, I have customers from different states. 

Waoh! So how do u reach each and 
every one of them?
Hajia Ochuwa: Delivery to different states is pretty easy now, 
 thank God for DHL and the likes..even waybills. Makes my job a whole lot easy

Can you please tell us the hazards or 
challenges you face?
Hajia Ochuwa: Well, for me..I would say the only challenge is some people wanting to see what they would like to buy live...not everyone is really trusting  online business because of the scam these days...it takes patience though. Other than that, i would say Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulilah, so what are your price ranges? 
Hajia Ochuwa: From 700-2000

Teepha scarves 

Aside from designing and selling scarves, 
what else do you do? 
Hajia Ochuwa: I sell Hijabs accessories alongside my scarves. 

How can customers contact you? 
Hajia Ochuwa: On my IG :@hijabsnigeria,
 also via BBM: 5685F2E3 or on call 08168625484. 

Can you share with us your fashion sense and style?
Hajia Ochuwa: Well, I dress according to my mood basically. 
But my fashion sense is pretty conservative..I don't know how to mix so many colours into one outfit. Pretty simple fashion sense. Lol

Barakallahu feeh, so tell us where and how you see yourself
 in years to come? 
Hajia Ochuwa: Wow. I have pretty big dreams tho. But for now I hope to be a well known brand in Nigeria have stores and outlets in different states..making it easy for people to just walk into the stores and get what ever they can imagine

Maa Sha Allah, Barakallahu feeh sis! Here are some lovelies 
from the collections of Hijabs Nigeria:
Viscose scarves

Ninja scarves 

Two-in-one ombre 
Floral Viscose

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