
Fajr Prayer in Islam : Awakening

Fajr Prayer in Islam : Awakening

Fajr prayer in Islam is designed to begin the day with light and with life , with positive energy and the presence of God ’s Angels . The early morning sets the tone and energy for the entire day , and by beginning the day in the best possible way , in prayer and meditation , in spiritual practice , you will bless your entire day with barakah and noor , blessings and light .

Early morning is a blessed time and most conducive to spiritual awakening and the cultivation of consciousness , for while the world sleeps, the seekers and spiritual warriors arise and assert that “ prayer is better than sleep, ” that consciousness , transcendence and divine purpose are greater than heedlessness and ghaflah , unconsciousness and loss of purpose

As the sun rises and brings light to the world during the time of Fajr prayer , it sets the tone for a glorious awakening from sleep, from “ the lesser death , ” for humanity , particularly for those who walk the Way and struggle against the self in Jihad an -Nafs , the Great Struggle against the self, against ego- self, and the unconsciousness it is based in .

The Holy Prophet Muhammad ( SAWS ) in life never sought comfort , but rather actively avoided it , for comfort is the bane of progress , growth, ascension and evolution .
To demonstrate this principle , the Prophet (SAWS ) told his wife Aisha ( RA ), when she padded his bed after seeing straw marks on his back when he awoke , to not make his bed too comfortable for it would make it “ difficult to awaken ,” and that he preferred the lack of comfort to sleep.
Ease and comfort prevent awakening , and in fact thus lead to hardship , while the Way of the Spiritual Warrior , the way of the zahid , is one of perpetual discipline and honor in the Divine Presence .

For the Spiritual Warrior , home is not this world , but rather in Eternity . And hence the Arabic saying, la rahata fiy -deen, “ There is no rest in the Way . ”
While ease and comfort in life ultimately lead to hardship , discipline and difficulty in fact lead to ease, for they create strength and clarity . And hence , Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an that “ with hardship comes ease.”

“ For verily , with hardship comes ease. Verily , with hardship comes ease. ”
— Surah ash - Sharh (Holy Quran , 94 : 4 -5 )
It is of immense value to be awake when the world sleeps, to observe the holy rite of Fajr prayer in Islam , and thereby align oneself with divine destiny as holy deputies of the Almighty .

There is immeasurable reward to those who strive and struggle, to wage the holy war within against weakness , laziness , lethargy and unconsciousness , when the tendency of the world is to cultivate these very qualities .

“ Do not leave the two cycles of Fajr prayer , even if you are being attacked by cavalry.”
— Prophet Muhammad (SAWS ) [Ahmad , Abu Dawud, Al -Bahaiqi , at -Tahawi ]

Fajr is an amazing prayer, it helps us in the remembrance of Allah s.w.t, so try your best not to miss this wonderful blessings. 

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