
Benefits of Olive Oil.

Olive oil is known to be beneficial in treatment of many diseases. Studies indicate that olive oil helps in lowering blood pressure. When consumed on a regular basis, patients may become able to reduce the medications, which otherwise are to be taken for the whole life. The mild vegetable mucilage in olive oil helps protect the body's digestive tract. Olive oil is very beneficial in preventing constipation and stomach ulcers.

Alzheimer, a disease which is caused because of clogging of arteries by the excessive cholesterol and saturated fat, can be reduced by replacing other fats with olive oil. Olive oil promotes the secretion of bile and other pancreatic hormones which ultimately lowers the risk and incidence of gallstones. Regular use of olive oil has been associated with lower rates of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

The monounsaturated fats in olive oil are used by the body to produce substances which are relatively anti-inflammatory. By reducing inflammation, these fats can help reduce the severity of arthritis symptoms, and may be able to prevent or reduce the severity of asthma. Olive oil is instrumental in reducing the risk of colon cancer as well.
As it contains 77 per cent of               monounsaturated acids which are far less easily damaged by oxygen, hence they are less likely to form free radicals, which will damage the cell membrane and cause cancer.

Besides its medicinal use, it is often used as moisturizers and anti-ageing agents as well. Olive oil contains vitamin E, which works very well in delaying the ageing process. And since it contains healthy fatty acids it is often used as a moisturizer for making the skin soft and smooth.
Other health benefits of olive oil include the lowering of the bad cholesterol level in our blood, as it is rich in monounsaturated fat substance. The extra virgin type olive oil contains the highest level of antioxidant polyphenols and oleic acid. Olive oil is thus a healthy option to other vegetable oils. But, as olive oil also has lots of calories, it should be used in moderate amounts for best health results.

Olive oil is rich in nutrients and is replete with Vitamin A, B-1, B-2, C, E, D and K. Minerals present in it are very useful for our body and helps the body in performing various important functions. Magnesium-rich chlorophyll encourages formation of healthy red blood cells. Caffeic and gallic nutrients stimulate the flow of bile which helps alkalis food coming out of the stomach, reducing stress on the pancreas.

Olive oil virtually benefits almost every aspect of body function for example development and maintenance including brain development, bone structure, digestion, aging process, the condition of skin and hair, metabolism, plaque formation in the blood vessels, etc. They are full of nutritional value, helping to fight against a number of critical diseases; including cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, constipation, inflammation and asthma. It isn't any wonder that God has sworn by the Olive in the Qur'an:

''By the Fig and the Olive, and the Mount of Sinai...''
[surah at-Teen; 95: 1-2]

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