
Reasons Why Your Prayers are Not Answered!

 One day a Sufi saint Ibrahim Adham was passing through the bazaar in the city of Basra when he was surrounded by people who said to him: "O Ibrahim! Allah (SWT) has stated in the Noble Qur'an that: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer)"; we call upon Allah (SWT) but our prayer is not answered.

Ibrahim Adham said: "The reason is because your hearts have died due to ten things so that your supplications have no sincerity as your hearts are not pure and free of contamination."
They asked: "What are those ten issues?" Ibrahim Adham replied.  

01: First and foremost you have accepted Allah (SWT) but have not repaid His claim.

02: You have recited the Noble Qur'an but have not practiced it.

03: You profess your love of the Holy Prophet of Islam (saw), but are opposed to his Household (as) .

04: You claim to have enmity with Shaitan (Satan) but in practice you are in agreement with him.

05: You say that you are fond of heaven but in order to enter heaven you have not done anything.

06: You said that you were afraid of the Hell Fire, but have thrown your bodies in to it.

07: You were busy slandering and criticizing people but were ignorant of your own shortcomings and faults.

08: You said that you didn't like the world but are
greedily following it.

09: You confess to the reality of death but don't prepare yourself for it.

10: You have buried the dead but haven't taken a lesson or guidance from it.
These are the 10 practices (Ten Reasons) which cause prayers to remain unanswered.

"Prayer is not a spare wheel that you pull out when YOU ARE IN TROUBLE, It is a steering wheel that keeps you on the right path throughout your life.

Lesson to learn: The 500 Naira Story!

Two important management lessons I learnt from a 500 Naira note.

1. It happened some time ago but . I was in an audience listening to a motivational speaker. The speaker got out his wallet & pulled out a 500 Naira note. Holding it up, he asked, "Who wants this 500 naira note?"
Lots of hands went up. Including mine. A slow chorus began to build as people began to shout "Me!" "Me!" I began to wonder who the lucky one would be who the speaker would choose. And I also secretly wondered (and I am sure others did too ) why he would simply give away 500 naira. Even as the shouts of "I want it" grew louder, I noticed a young woman running down the aisle. She ran up onto the stage, went up to the speaker, and grabbed the five 500 naira note from his hand. "Well done, young lady," said the speaker into the microphone. The speaker simply say "Most of us just sit and wait for good things to happen. That's of no use. You've got to make things happen. Make a move" 'Simply thinking about doing something is of no use and not gud enough'. Our lives are like that. We all see opportunities around us. We all want the good things. But the problem is we don't take action. We all want the 500 naira notes on offer. But we don't make the move. We look at it longingly. Get up, and do something about it. Don't worry about what other people might think.
Take action.

2. later, the speaker got another 500 naira note and held it up for all to see, I thought I knew what's up. But he just asked a simple question. "How much is this worth?" "Five Hundred naira!" the crowd yelled in unison. "Right," said the speaker. He then took the note and crumpled it into a ball and asked "How much is it worth now?" "Five Hundred naira!" screamed the audience. He then threw the note on the ground, stamped all over it and picked up the note and asked one more time: "And how much is it worth now?" "Five Hundred naira!" was the response. "I want you to remember this," said the speaker. "Just because someone crumples it, or stamps on it, the value of the note does not diminish. We should all be like the 500 naira note. In our lives, there will be times when we feel crushed, stamped over, beaten. But never let your self-worth diminish. Just because someone chooses to crush you, that doesn't change your worth one bit!

Don't allow your self-worth to diminish because someone says something nasty or does something dirty to you."

Sadaqah: The Best Way to Purify What is Yours!

15 Rewarding Ways for Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) in Islam

Source: Islam quote.com

Sadaqatul jariyah is ongoing charity (continuous rewards) received by us (for good actions and deeds), that will not only benefit us in this life, but will continue to benefit us after our death.

Abu Huraira (RadhiAllahu ‘anhu) reported: Allah’s Messenger ﷺ as saying: When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased). [Sahih Muslim – Book 13 – Hadith 4005]

Allah SWT says: “… and spend something (in charity) out of the provision which we have bestowed you, before death should come to any of you and he should say, o my Rabb! Why do you not give me respite for a little while? I should then have given (largely) in charity, and I should have been one of the doers of good.” (Qur’an, 63:10)

Below given are some good actions and deeds that which will outlive you Insha Allah.

1. Donate and/or actively participate in building of a Mosque.
2. Building or donating to build an Orphanage.
3. Raising, full or part sponsoring an orphan. ( Orphan Sponsorship )
4. Teach someone to recite Quran, and everytime they recite quran, you will get hasanat, even after your death. And if your student teaches quran to another person, and everytime this other person read Qur’an, you still will get hasanat from his recitation, even after you have long died until the end of this world.
5. Give copies of the Holy Quran and each time they read from it, you will receive Hasanat.
6. Donating to build a school. When the students use the knowledge they receive from the school, you get hasanat, even after you have died.
7. Give away Islamic reading materials.
8. Teach someone to recite Dua and/or Dhikr ( Remembrance of Allah ) and each time it is recited, you will gain Hasanat.
9. Share via online or give Dua or Quran CDs and every time it is recited you will gain Hasanat.
10. Donate wheel chair to Hospital and when sick persons use it you will gain Hasanat.
11. Building or donating to build a Dispensary, Hospital 

12. Help a child to continue his or her Education.
13. Donate to dig and build water wells or construct water tanks and when people use this well or tank you will receive Hasanat. ( Help build water wells or construct water tanks )
14. Plant trees or donate for this cause, each time people or animals sits under the shade or eats from these trees, we will gain hasanat, even after you have died.
15. Place a water cooler in a public place. Each time people drink water from it, you will gain hasanat.

Abu Huraira (Radhiallahu anhu) reported: Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: He who called (people) to righteousness, there would be reward (assured) for him like the rewards of those who adhered to it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. [Sahih Muslim – Book #034 – Hadith #6470].  

Also in the Noble Quran, Allah s.w.t said “The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases. And Allah is All-Sufficient, All-Knower.” [Al-Baqarah 2:261]

BM: Bridesmaids style Inspiration!

When choosing a dress, it is the bride's privilege to select the color and type of fabric of the bridesmaids' dresses. It should complement the bride's gown, but it should also be comfortable and attractive for the attendants. Consideration should be given to the bridesmaids' style, color preferences, their figure types as well as their budgets. Here are some lovely bridesmaids styles for those having their wedding sooner or later! 

Photos:@royal_images, @ofure-ighalo photography, 
Stylist : @dream_wears, @reyhstouchmakeover, @made_creations 


You are beautiful!

It's a phrase that my mother uses a lot.

I used to wonder, "How in the world can Mother call them beautiful?"
I am a logical, statistical man. I call things as I see them. I didn't see beauty.
My mother would tell people this with an enthusiasm they could feel. She was genuine. She was not telling them they were beautiful to get something from them. Most of the time, they were trying to get something from her.

I wondered for years what was wrong with Mother's perception and vision. Couldn't she see that all of the people she called beautiful, weren't beautiful?
You were beautiful only if you had a certain figure and face that was classed as beautiful by the laws of the world and glamour. Yet when my mother spoke, people smiled as though Glamour magazine had listed them as one of the beautiful people of the year.
It took me years to finally understand my mother's vision and the phrase, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." My mother had a spirit that could see the beauty in a person.
Most only look on the outside and then compare what they see with the standards the world has given them. That was what I was doing.

Today when you leave your house, carefully look at the first person whom you see and notice how beautiful they are.
They may be balding, fat, wrinkled, pimply, or any of the other things the world frowns upon as beauty. Look at them closely and look for the beauty. If you really look, you will see it.
I didn't believe that at first until I tried it. Sure enough, as I stared and opened another set of eyes, I was able to see the beauty in every person. No matter how rough or worn a person looked, each pain etched line held a glimpse of beauty.
You just had to look for the beauty. It's there. When you leave your home this morning, look hard at each person. You will start to see the beauty of every human who you didn't know existed. Trust me and try this. If you sincerely look, you will see it.
When you get home after seeing the beauty in faces you see, look in the mirror. You are beautiful.

Thank you mama for all of the beauty that you have not only seen, but added. She used to tell me: "Be like a honey bee which always sits on beautiful flowers".
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Indeed Allah is Beautiful and He loves beauty".
In other place Prophet Muhammad (saw) says: "A believer is beautiful because Allah has given him beautiful characters".
Noble Qur'an emphasizes on remembering the beautiful things Allah (SWT) has created and praise them profusely. "And as for the blessing of your Lord, do announce it". Noble Qur'an (93:11)

Allah (SWT) Himself remembers and praises the good creations He has created; among them is His beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw): "And He exalted your praise (O Muhammad)". Noble Qur'an (94:4)
"Indeed Allah and His Angels are sending blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe, send blessings upon him (you as well) and salute him with a (becoming) salutation". Noble Qur'an (33:56)

When the journey gets tough: Remember life is a golden gift!

I was sitting on a beach one summer day, watching two children, a boy and a girl, playing in the sand. They were hard at work building an elaborate sandcastle by the water's edge with gates and towers and moats and internal passages. Just when they had nearly finished their project, a big wave came along and knocked it down, reducing it to a heap of wet sand.
I expected the children to burst into tears, devastated by what had happened to all their hard work. But they surprised me. Instead, they ran up the shore away from the water, laughing and holding hands, and sat down to build another castle.

I realized that they had taught me an important lesson. All the things in our lives, all the complicated structures we spend so much time and energy creating, are built on sand.
Only our relationships to other people endure. Sooner or later, the wave will come along and knock down what we have worked so hard to build up. When that happens, only the person who has somebody's hand to hold will be able to laugh.

The Daughter's Duty!

Source : ProductiveMuslim

Firstly, we should acknowledge that as a Muslimah, our first and foremost role is to worship Allah but then immediately after fulfilling these obligations, serving our parents is the best honour we can have. Allah says in the Qur’an:
“And We have enjoined upon man goodness to parents. But if they endeavor to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them. To Me is your return, and I will inform you about what you used to do” [Qur'an Chapter 29: Verse 8].
Allah has endowed upon women so many challenging yet rewarding roles, but we often overlook that being a good daughter is one of the best ways in which we can worship Allah – whether you are a married woman with demands from your in-laws or a single Muslimah who is looking to get married – remember that you can live your life’s true purpose by looking after your parents.

As a working Muslimah, I have been fortunate and blessed to have parents who have always supported me in my work endeavours; however, I realise that some of us can take our parents for granted and this can lead to us neglecting our duties towards our parents even though we may not have intended to do this. So, here are a few hacks I have adopted to fulfil my obligations towards my parents:

1. Prioritise your parents over other tasks
One of the biggest lessons I have learnt as a Muslimah is that despite the demands on our time from work, personal goals and other aspirations – we must do our best to prioritise our parents over other less important tasks. It isn’t easy! However, making sure you are flexible and checking in with your parents before making other commitments outside of work life can really help you manage your family tasks and fulfil your duties to your parents. I often block out time in the weekend to see if my parents need anything and follow up on any outstanding tasks. It also helps to have an understanding employer who will be able to understand that your family comes first so there may be times where you need to prioritise them over work.

2. Communicate regularly
I find that there’s nothing better than a cup of tea with my Mum or chat with my Dad on a quiet Sunday to build a positive relationship with your parents. It’s very important to have open and honest communication with your parents, and I’ve been fortunate to be able to have a very close relationship with both of my parents. Even small chats and giving your parents time can help them to realise that they are not taken for granted – as parents get older all they want is your attention just as you wanted all of theirs as a child! Something as simple as going for a walk in the park or sitting in the living room talking about life in general regularly can remind them that they are still the most important people in your life as you get older and preoccupied with other commitments in life.

3. Be patient and good to them
I’ve met many sisters who have challenging family circumstances, some have hopes and dreams of accomplishing certain goals or careers in life which their parents do not support whilst others find themselves constantly battling the expectations their parents have of them whilst trying to practice Islam (trust me I know it’s a long battle!). We may fall into the trap of shaytan – talking back to our parents, arguing with them when we disagree on a matter or even saying hurtful things to them. But we must remember that Allah says in the Qur’an that even when our parents do not not necessarily see things the way we do, it is important to still be kind and good to them. Sometimes I have found that all it takes is a kind word to acknowledge that your parents want what is best for you so we should strive to obey and please them unless their orders go against a command of Allah. Ultimately, none of us can be perfect daughters (as much as we may try to be!) because perfection belongs to Allah alone. We can however do our best to please our parents with good words and kind treatment.

4. Give them quality time
One hack that has helped me recently to have better work life balance is to schedule outings and quality time with my parents. This could be something simple and low-budget by taking your parents to the mosque, having brunch in your favourite cafe or scheduling a shopping trip to treat them. This should be time where you give them your undivided attention and make them feel like they are worthy of your time no matter how busy you may get in life. After all, your parents most likely spent most of their lives sacrificing and giving up their own time and desires to care and provide for you. Spending time with your parents, especially if you don’t live with them, is something you try to do even if it means a regular phone call to let your parents know that you are thinking of them and that you are there if they ever need you. This is a huge positive booster in being a good daughter.

5. Shower them with gifts and du’a
There is a profound hadith which highlights how we will never be able to be truly grateful for everything our parents have done for us especially when we were younger. To this day, my father will ensure all my siblings are given an equal share in anything he buys. It is then only befitting that we do our best to attempt repaying them by gifting them with things they like – cooking them dinner, buying clothes, flowers (I love to buy unique roses for my mother) or spending on them by taking them on a trip to ‘Umrah or to Hajj – a journey of a lifetime.

Finally, the best thing you can give them is your prayers, as Allah says we should always recite: “My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small” [Qur'an Chapter 17: Verse 24]. We must remind ourselves that making du’a for our parents is one of the best actions we can do for them whether our parents are still with us today or have departed from this world as the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When a human being dies, all of his deeds are terminated except for three types: an ongoing sadaqah (charity), knowledge from which others benefit, and a righteous child who makes dua'a for them!
May Almighty Allah s.w.t make it easy for us (Ameen)



Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine (poem)

Today, upon a bus,
I saw a girl with golden hair.
and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch.
But as she passed, a smile.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy.
The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him, he seemed so glad.
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.

I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.
Later, while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play.
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word;
and then I knew, he wouldn't hear.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.

I have 2 ears, the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I'd know.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.


One inspiring message I received today:

1. No matter how beautiful and handsome you are, just remember Baboon and Gorillas also
attract tourists. ***Stop Boasting!

2. No matter how big and strong you are, you will
not carry yourself to your Grave.  ***Be Humble!

3. No matter how tall you are, you can never see
tomorrow.  ***Be Patient!

4. No matter how Light Skinned you are, you will
always need light in Darkness.   ***Take Caution!

5. No matter how Rich and many Cars you have,
you will always walk to Bed.  ***Be Contented!
Take Life Easy.

Life is short, so set your mind on
things that are rewarding by Allah (Here and Hereafter).

Goodnight Peeps 

Style Inspiration: Modest & Comfy!










 A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They shared everything. They talked about everything. They kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoebox in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he never thought about the shoebox, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoebox and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the shoebox.

When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $25,000. He asked her about the contents. "When we were to be married," she said, "my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll."

The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the shoebox. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness "Honey," he said, "that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?" "Oh," the little old woman said, "That's the money I made from selling the dolls."

Time-Out with Hajia Balikis Omobolanle Adio C.E.O BOMAD'S COLLECTION

Today, in Nigeria,there are  many entrepreneurs who are into various business, these enterpreneurs choose different work of art or crafts,like they say "different strokes for different folks" as for Hajia Balikis Adio, she chose fashion design as her own entrepreneurship. 
In a recent interview with the graduate of Lagos State University, Adebola Adegunwa School of communication, she shared her experience with us as a "Fashionista". 

Can we meet you ma? 
Am Adio Baliqis Omo bolanle, Muslim and a Corp member. 

Aside from being a Corp member what else do you do? 
Well, as a Corp member, am also a designer as well as a student of knowledge. 

Maa Sha Allah, so what and what do you design?
I make dresses, skirts, abayas nd most especially veils (that's what has really been paying my money lately, alhamdulillah), I design anything a muslimah wears. 

Alhamdulilah, for how long have you been doing this? 
Hmmm, for a very short while now but Alhamdulilah. 

Alhamdulilah, do u av a brand name?
                            Yeah, I do. My brand name is Bomad Collections, mashaa Allah. 

How did you arrive at Bomad Collections? 
Yeah, Bomad was derived from my name, Balqis Omobolanle Adio. 

What inspired you into making veils? 
Well, making nd selling of veils was never part of my agenda not until one day one of my sisters asked me to help her get some scarves that she was tired of pashmina nd needed veils that would look more expensive nd cam be worn to the office. Then my other sister who's also a fashion designer but busy with lots of serious jobs told me, why not help her get materials nd place stones on them. Lo nd behold, I did and they came out really beautiful 
It was hers I used as samples for display nd Alhamdulillah it's been  like 3-4months now and  have made like 50 veils even though it's not been easy combining service with work andhave made not just veils but also abayas. 
 what are your challenges?
The issue of power has been a great challenge lately, I never used to have that problem since I started until recently. Also,materials get burnt once in a while from hot iron once  while in a bid to rush up a job for delivery.  Yeah, I sometimes run into loss too, there's never a successful business person that hasn't ran into loss once in a lifetime. 

Do you have challenges designing styles? 
Have never had challenges of designs cos while am glued to the table with the material laid down nd my iron turned to a reasonable level of heat,  the designs just flow freely, alhamdulillah for that, That's why many times I feel it's a God chosen job for me. 

So where are you based?
Presently in Ilorin because of service  but will relocate to lagos after service In Sha Allah.

  If people would contact you or make orders, how can they reach you?
On instagram via @bomad_collections, On watsapp with 07089647210 and on BBM 52e27bb1

lastly,  what advice do you have for sisters out there struggling with their faith?

I ll advise them to be steadfast,keep company of those that have better understanding of the deen than them,and continue to challenge themselves to be a better muslimah. The struggle is really worth it in the end.