
The Nikkah syndrome: A must read for all (Single, Searching or Married)

Oredola A'ishah
Bismillah Rahmani Raheem
Asalam alaykum waramohtullah wa barakatu

This is the favourite topic of most brothers and sisters in islam,I'm not an exception , I mean ,who doesn't want companionship , love, attention,tranquility . Who doesn't want to find his /her"other half" , habibi , habibti , sweetie , boo ,azeezatiey or anyhow you'd love to address yourzawj . Okay , most sisters want a tall , good looking ,upright muslim man , sunnatic? Yes! , oh! He musthave neat beards , a good job , his Quran recitation must be excellentΓ© , his voice must captivate me,his smile, shouldn't be less than fantabulous , he should cook for me too , take good care of me , our marriage would be more interesting than the nikkah itself , we would have three to four cute children bla bla bla......

Its good to dream , its healthy and gives you an optimistic mind but Ukhti ! Have you for once thought of being the "Mrs Right" too? Have you Sat down to analyze your flaws , your weakness , do you even want to improve yourself Islamically,spiritually,intellectually, morally , physically ?
Ya Ukhti , have you memorized the whole Quran? Is your solat better than it was yesterday? Your tahajjud? Is your fajr in check? Hmmmm. Do you speak Arabic fluently ? Do you cook well? Are you lazy with house chores ? How about your anger issues? Have you thought of that too? How do you act when you're angry? Do you destroy home appliances,furniture,
glasswares , or do you burn something....anything? Lol.

How about your parents , do you take good care ofthem , spend time with them , respect and honour them , pray for them , assist them ...your mother? Remember that paradise lies at the feet of your mother . Your siblings? Do you teach them what you know in Islam ,spend time with them,show them love ,buy them gifts ? Cook for them? Or does this occur
       Sibling: Oh sis I need help with my homework
       Sis: Subhanallah! I'm busy! Please! I have my own
       homework too! What were u doing when the
        teacher was teaching!
La! La Ukhti LaπŸ™…Its wrong .If you can't be a good person ,a good sister , a good daughter or neighbour. How would you be a good wife ?? Oh do you think it's a natural thing that happens immediately after nikkah?

Do you think that it's after nikkah that those good characters will start reflecting on you?
It starts now . Worry about the present , build yourself , pray to Allah to improve you , acquire knowledge , lots and lots of knowledge ... I know procrastination can be luring but try hard to manoeuvre , you can even ask Allah for strength to overcome your fears , laziness , dullness and procrastination . In Sha Allah it'll end up well .
Allah will send your "habibi" to you .

Now to our brothers!!! ☺πŸ˜„
Ya Akhi Ya Akhi Ya Akhi
Sunnah is good ooo As in , you want 4wives yeah?
One should be light skinnedπŸ‘°
The other dark skinned πŸ‘°
The third caramel skinned πŸ‘°
The fourth , white πŸ‘°
This life is good Alhamdulilah You want a good looking wife , that can cook , that has memorized the whole Quran , she must be this or that , her manners? Splendid , her modesty? Unbeatable . her voice? Thrilling . She should pray tahajjud all night , tidy up the
house , take care of the children , take care of you. Her character must be perfect , no flaws .... Flawless habibti shey ??? 😎 Ma Sha Allah

Please start with yourself , do you know how to do all what you expect your future zawj to be perfect at ? Do you deserve her? Your dreams are big bro ...enormous! Gigantic! So should your aims , aspirations and goals be .
Make yourself the most wanted akhi due to his Islamic values ✅ Morals✅ Intellectual acuity✅Spiritual connectivity ✅Just stick to Allah Azzawajal and he will give you the best
I know it's not easy to lower your gaze nowadays 😌 Because there are so many obstacles in ur path And even when u run πŸƒπŸ½ Akhi these obstacles will run after u! Infact these hurdles will be in front of u !!πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸƒ

Run Akhi from fitnah... Run πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
🚣 But for Allah's sake if your legs fail , use a horse , a car , an airplane , a ship!
Anything! Always beseech Allah for assistance .Patience is very rewarding , when the time is right... Ar Rahman will bless you with the best and I can not wait to eat nikkah rice In Sha Allah πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Allah loves a chaste man or woman, Verses from Al Quran :
           Who abstain from sex, (Surah Al-Muminun, 5 )
           Except with those joined to them in the marriage
            bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,- for
           (in their case) they are free from blame,  (Surah AL-Muminun, 6)

        Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze
        and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for
        them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. (Surah An-Nur, 30 )

      And Mary the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into (her             body) of Our spirit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His
      Revelations, and was one of the devout (servants). (Surah At-Tahrim, 12 )

Lastly ....  Q24:26
         Vile women are for vile men, and vile men for vile women. Good women are for  good             men, and good men for good women; such are innocent of that which people say: For             them is pardon and a bountiful provision. Keep praying,  Keep fasting, May Allah keepus         firm Ameen.


  1. Nice piece sis ..may Allah continue to bless,guide and protect you ....make sure you call us when the time comes

  2. Well put together. Good work

  3. Ma Sha Allah. May Allah continue to strengthen us All.

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